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USA Swimming Releases Statement; Currin Releases Another Statement

USA Swimming has released a statement after the sentencing of disgraced swim coach Rick Curl today, where he was sentenced to 15 years in prison with all but 7 of those years suspended.

Specifically, they’ve clarified that they do not agree with Ms. Currin’s timeline that USA Swimming contacted her in the spring of 2011.

The two sides have disagreed on the timeline of when USA Swimming learned of the allegations against Curl, though the original timeline released by USA Swimming didn’t necessarily disagree with Ms. Currin’s statements after the sentencing that USA Swimming contacted her in the spring of 2011. Their latest statement, however, does specifically that.

USA Swimming began an immediate investigation into the claims and filed a police report to initiate criminal proceedings in this matter. Through its National Board of Review process, USA Swimming permanently revoked Mr. Curl’s membership, and directed that his name be placed on USA Swimming’s published list of ‘Individuals Permanently Suspended or Ineligible’ for USA Swimming Membership.

USA Swimming contacted Ms. Currin in spring of 2012. A full timeline of the case can be found here:

The safety of all USA Swimming athletes is paramount to the organization and, because of that, USA Swimming has developed its comprehensive Safe Sport program:

This timeline continues to be a hot-topic in regards to Curl’s case. Though Curl has plead guilty and been sentenced, Currin is still pushing the issue of what more USA Swimming could or should have done in her opinion. The two sides have failed to come to a consensus on the timeline of this case.

Both timelines seem to agree that USA Swimming was aware of the accusations no later than the spring of 2012. That means that Curl was on deck at the 2012 Olympic Trials, after USA Swimming had spoken with Currin, and in her post-sentencing press conference, she said that seeing him on deck at Trials, even after her report, is what prompted her to come forward with the 1989 nondisclosure agreement.

A formal media statement released by Currin through a spokesperson again called for the ouster and punishment of those who she alleges knew of the abuse to be held accountable, including CEO Chuck Wielgus.

Asked for further comment on Currin’s comments or whether Wilegus directly would be releasing a statement, a USA Swimming spokesperson said that the above quoted is their only statement.

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11 years ago

Kelley might not be seeking money, but I can bet the barn her lawyers are.

I’ll say this: Bob Allard is not doing this for justice, or for compassion. He is a shark, and if he can get money out of it, he will feed Kelley more and more advice that will look good from his point of view.

Ironic that he’s using her for his own gain.

Any other lawyer that had pursued this case, I’d be fine with. But Allard is scum. Guarantee you he wants a repeat of lawyer of the year, and wants to use this to do it (since he brags about earning it through representing sexual abuse victims from a previous swimming… Read more »

11 years ago

Craig Lord wrote an impressive piece at “Silence not golden but Gangrenous”. Worth the read – looks at all sides.

Reply to  Sandy
11 years ago

This article on is very well done. Thank you for mentioning it. He does a tremendous job showing all sides.

11 years ago

I’d like to commend Steve Friederang for his great thoughts in this case, and I would urge anyone in a position as Currin was at 13, or even anywhere close to that position, to IMMEDIATELY tell your parents, or reach out to an adult or the police department (even dial 911). Its the only right thing to do.

Reply to  Enough
11 years ago

I would immediately encourage any coach finding it difficult to contain his or her sexual urges to stop coaching and get away from the pool deck forever before you ruin lives. It is the only right thing to do.

Bowie Bulldog/NBAC
11 years ago

Everyone was talking about Kelley & Rick on other teams in the area. I was not shocked when the allegations finally surfaced, but that they took 30 years to surface…

11 years ago

In any community, there will be sinful people doing sinful things. I think the lesson to be learned is that each team needs a strategy to keep all practices public and all leaders accountable. Even the private lessons coaches do should be attended by parents or other responsible members of the leadership staff. Travel needs to be carefully planned so that both swimmers and coaches are protected from hints of illegal or improper interactions (female chaperones on travel trips with male coaches and female athletes, for example).

There will be people who disagree with this statement, but I think the worldview of the coach should be carefully considered when hired. There is no guarantee that the coach will live… Read more »

Reply to  Steve Friederang
11 years ago

You had me until you mentioned the church – are you kidding – some of the worse people I know are involved with their churches. Have you heard about Jodi Arias or the Catholic Priests? Please don’t throw religion into the mix because some of the kindest, nicest, most sincere people do not actively participate in a religious setting.

Friederang Stephen
Reply to  Serious?
9 years ago

I didn’t mention a church or whatever “the” church is. I mentioned the word of God. There’s often a huge difference. A funny saying is that just because someone hangs out at a car dealership doesn’t make him a car. If you read the Bible, you see there is no excuse for sin. And everyone falls short and is accountable. Kind nice people fall short. But the best chance we have of having a safe environment is to know and follow what is right. And you and I didn’t make that up. God invented us and invented the concept of love. Sin, on the other hand is not in God’s plan either in a swim team or in a church… Read more »

Steve Nolan
Reply to  Steve Friederang
11 years ago

Nope. Don’t like the particulars of this comment one bit. I think it’s heart is in the right place, but it’s yucky how it tries to get there.

-Casual sexism just all over the place – no mention of boys being abused, only girls. (Priests abused boys just as often, if not more often, than girls and stuff.)

-There’s nothing that links being active in a church and being less likely to have sex outside of marriage. (Blog post source! It’s airtight!) And does that slightly insinuate coaches that’re married are somehow superior to unmarried ones? Can’t tell, but kinda.

-I agree that USA Swimming can’t be held responsible for one of… Read more »

Reply to  Steve Nolan
11 years ago

Actually, depending on the stipulations of the NDA, it could have been worth quite a bit.

I asked a Harvard Law professor about this, and it really depends. There was nothing in there (surprisingly) that prevented bringing up the rape with the authorities.

However, (in my opinion), the agreement could most certainly have prevented the two main parties from talking about it to anyone who queried about it, so I would believe that as a third party, it would be difficult if not impossible for USA Swimming as it existed back then to be able to get involved. I could be quite mistaken, but it would have been much more efficient and effective to tell authorities at any given point.

11 years ago

Poor swimming. You had bad people in the rank all along so I guess there goes your image of being squeaky clean and for the select few.

11 years ago

USA swimming needs to fight back aggressively (and not just roll over like Curl did). If necessary, a defamation countersuit. Don’t give any money in a settlement. This sick woman and her greedy lawyers need to be taught a lesson!

Reply to  easyspeed
11 years ago

I’m pretty sure USA Swimming isn’t doing anything that prolongs this or brings more attention to it. I couldn’t imagine they would want any of their past public comments – under oath or otherwise – dissected. I think that would be playing right into their hands. Defamation is awfully tough to prove. I’m wondering exactly what she said that may have defamed any one of the USA Swimming representatives??

Steve Nolan
Reply to  easyspeed
11 years ago

Hahhaha oh man. Why yes, I will side with the giant, monopolistic organization over a rape victim.

“USA Swimming” as a whole doesn’t have to go down because of this, but all the individuals that knew about this for decades sure do.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
11 years ago

So individuals like Kelley and her parents??? They were certainly aware of the situation.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  goldfish
11 years ago

Yes, because the moral failings of Kelley’s parents excuse the moral failings of USA Swimming members.

Reply to  easyspeed
11 years ago

EASYSPEED, find a new hobby!

Kelley Currin is not seeking financial gain. And who are you to condemn her if she is? How much was the victim of Kobe Bryant’s rape paid? That was a one-time deal. Currin was raped, as a minor, for four years. She was groomed by a predator.

If you are trying to stimulate conversation, you are doing so in an inappropriate and insensitive manner.

Reply to  easyspeed
11 years ago

He admitted guilt, signed his named to a settlement admitting he molested her, was sentenced to 7-years and you say he rolled over? – You need help.

Reply to  easyspeed
11 years ago

What lesson is that? That pedophilia is okay? Please tell us you’re not in charge!

11 years ago

Mixed it up: Henderson = King; Moses = Morgan.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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