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18&U Winter Championships Results Finalized, TAC Titans Win Team Title


The combined results of the multi-site 18 & Under Winter Championships have been finalized, capping a virtual win for North Carolina’s TAC Titans.


In a pandemic-adjusted season, USA Swimming’s Winter Junior Championships are taking place as a multi-site competition. Results from any sanctioned meet between December 1 and December 13 will count for Winter Championships scoring, with an unlimited number of meet results in that time frame being combined to create the final results.

Athletes’ ages were locked in as of the first day of the competition, and they must have already had a time standard in an event for that event to count toward the standings.

Only a swimmer’s 6 highest-placing events are counted toward the champioships, both for individual placement and team scoring.

Final Results

USA Swimming compiled results on its website – you can play around with the tool here.

Full Top 20 In Each Event

Winter Champions In Each Event

Event Gender Leader Time
50 FR SCY F Gretchen Walsh 21.41
100 FR SCY F Gretchen Walsh 47.36
200 FR SCY F Torri Huske 1:43.23
500 FR SCY F Emma Weyant 4:38.39
1650 FR SCY F Cavan Gormsen 15:58.97
100 BK SCY F Claire Curzan 50.18
200 BK SCY F Claire Curzan 1:49.35
100 BR SCY F Letitia Sim 59.01
200 BR SCY F Abby Arens 2:08.21
100 FL SCY F Claire Curzan 49.80
200 FL SCY F Tess Howley 1:53.95
200 IM SCY F Torri Huske 1:54.50
400 IM SCY F Emma Weyant 4:04.48
50 FR SCY M Youssef Ramadan 19.62
100 FR SCY M Youssef Ramadan 43.44
200 FR SCY M Luke Miller 1:33.83
500 FR SCY M James Plage 4:18.33
1650 FR SCY M Liam Custer 14:37.86
100 BK SCY M Anthony Grimm 46.25
200 BK SCY M Jack Aikins 1:40.92
100 BR SCY M Josh Matheny 52.02
200 BR SCY M Josh Matheny 1:51.38
100 FL SCY M Zac Van Zandt 45.84
200 FL SCY M Landon Gentry 1:43.03
200 IM SCY M Baylor Nelson 1:45.04
400 IM SCY M Mikey Moore 3:45.12

Here are the multi-event champions:

Final Team Scores

Rank Club Code Points
1 TAC Titans TAC 237.0
2 Sarasota Sharks SYS 177.0
3 Nation’s Capital Swim Club NCAP 170.0
4 SwimMAC Carolina MAC 131.5
5 SwimAtlanta SA 125.5
6 Arlington Aquatic Club AAC 107.0
7 Long Island Aquatic Club LIAC 102.0
8 Nashville Aquatic Club NAC 100.0
9 Dynamo Swim Club DYNA 91.0
10 Mecklenburg Swim Association MSA 86.0
11 Mason Makos Swim Team MAKO 75.5
12 North Carolina Aquatic Club NCAC 74.0
13 Springfield Aquatics SPA 71.5
14 Austin Swim Club ASC 64.0
15 TNT Swimming TNT 56.5
16 Fort Collins Area Swim Team FAST 56.0
17 Greater Somerset County YMCA Storm GSCY 54.0
18 Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club CFSC 52.0
19 Lakeside Aquatic Club LAC 51.5
20 COR Swimming COR 50.0
21 Tampa Elite Aquatics TEAM 46.0
22 Univ of Denver Hilltoppers TOPS 45.5
23 Clovis Swim Club CLOV 44.5
23 Franklin Regional Swim Team FRST 44.5
25 South Shore Sails SSS 44.0
26 Spartan Aquatic Club SPAC 42.0
26 Carpet Capital Aquatics Club CCAC 42.0
28 Treasure Coast Aquatics TCA 41.0
29 Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics PEAQ 40.0
30 Pikes Peak Athletics PPA 39.5
30 Flood Aquatics Swim Team FAST 39.5
32 Y-Spartaquatics Swim Club YSSC 39.0
33 Scottsdale Aquatic Club SAC 36.0
34 Bluefish Swim Club ABF 34.0
35 The Woodlands Swim Team TWST 33.0
36 Zionsville Swim Club ZSC 32.0
37 Empire KC Swim Club EKC 30.5
38 Plymouth Whitemarsh Aquatics PWAC 29.5
39 Azura Florida Aquatics AZFL 28.0
40 Quicksilver Swimming QSS 27.5
41 St Charles Swim Team SCST 27.0
42 Mason Manta Rays RAYS 25.0
42 Lifetime Swim Team North Carolina LTNC 25.0
44 Baylor Swim Club BAY 21.5
45 Pine Crest Swimming PCS 21.0
45 Race Pace Club – KY RPC 21.0
47 Medina Recreation Swim Team MRST 20.0
47 Team Suffolk TS 20.0
49 TOPS Swimming TOPS 19.5
50 Machine Aquatics MACH 19.0
50 Sandpipers Of Nevada SAND 19.0
52 Badger Swim Club,Inc. BAD 18.0
53 Cardinal Aquatics CARD 15.5
54 Reno Aquatic Club RENO 14.0
55 Metroplex Aquatics MTRO 13.5
56 Tampa Bay Aquatic Club TBAC 13.0
57 Westchester Aquatic Club WEST 12.0
58 North Texas Nadadores NTN 11.0
58 Peddie Aquatic Association PAA 11.0
58 Treasure Coast Swimming Conquistadores TCSC 11.0
58 Marietta Marlins, Inc LINS 11.0
58 New Albany Aquatic Club NAAC 11.0
58 Western Ymca Wahoos WEST 11.0
64 Irish Aquatics IA 10.0
65 Irvine Novaquatics NOVA 9.0
65 Jersey Wahoos JW 9.0
65 Cavalier Aquatics/Piedmont Family YMCA CA-Y 9.0
68 United Swim Club USC 8.0
69 Northern KY Clippers Swimming CLPR 7.0
69 Aulea Swim Club AUL 7.0
69 T2 Aquatics T2 7.0
69 Wahoo’s of Wellington WOW 7.0
69 Crawfish Aquatics CRAW 7.0
69 Elmbrook Swim Club EBSC 7.0
75 The Fish FISH 6.5
76 Blue Dolfins BD 6.0
76 Nitro Swimming NTRO 6.0
76 Berzerker Swimming BZRK 6.0
76 Swim Neptune NEP 6.0
76 East Carolina Aquatics ECA 6.0
81 Cardinal Community Swim Club CARD 5.0
81 Triggerfish Aquatics TFA 5.0
81 Fishers Area Swimming Tigers FAST 5.0
81 Billings Aquatic Club BAC 5.0
85 Magnolia Aquatic Club MAC 4.0
86 Sierra Marlins Swim Team SMST 3.5
87 Lincoln Select Swimming LSS 3.0
87 Saluki Swim Club SALU 3.0
89 Trinity Prep Aquatics TPA 2.0
89 Blue Tide Aquatics BTA 2.0
89 SOCAL Aquatics Association SCAL 2.0
89 Seminole Aquatics SA 2.0
89 SOL Swim Team SST 2.0
89 Rockwall Aquatic Center of Excellence RACE 2.0
89 Tsunami Swim Team of K.C. TST 2.0
96 Planet Swim Aquatics PSA 1.0
96 Pipeline Swimming PS 1.0
96 Highlander Aquatic Club HIGH 1.0

Some new additions from the December 14 ranks:

Greater Somersety County YMCA has joined the list, sitting 17th. They’re the only team not included in previous results to crack the top 20 in final results.

Pikes Peak Aquatics (30th), Crawfish Aquatics (69th), Swim Neptune (76th), Lincoln Select (87th) and Seminole Aquatics (89th) all joined the list after not appearing in the December 14 ranks.

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4 years ago

Are they not ranking the relays?

Konner Scott
4 years ago

Jack Aikins is rising very quickly and looking very dangerous right now. I’m curious about what his long course times look like this summer.

GA Boy
Reply to  Konner Scott
4 years ago

You heard it here first, Aikins top 5 in the 100 and. 200 back at Olympic trials. Long shot to make the team of course, but he has the best tempo of anyone and his walls continue to improve.

Daeleb Cressel
4 years ago

Feel bad for all the west coast and especially CA kids that didn’t get to race. Very frustrating.

So confused
Reply to  Daeleb Cressel
4 years ago

Very sad for all the kids who couldn’t compete and then age out.

4 years ago

Too bad relays couldn’t be included. Such a huge part of the traditional meet.

4 years ago

did anyone tabulate high point winners?

PK Doesn't Like His Long Name
Reply to  SwimDad
4 years ago

Huske won on the female side since she had 6 events and Curzan only had 5 and Walsh only had 4. Guessing Aikins on the boys side? Only won 1 event but had finishes of 3/2/4/4/1, that beats Grimm and any other obvious ones that I see.

4 years ago

East coast dominating. I’m sure the pandemic is partly responsible but the fastest swimming really seems to be in the east and especially the southeast these days.

Reply to  Patrick
4 years ago

Most of California was locked down after the 1st weekend of December. If you didn’t have a sanctioned intrasquad meet that first weekend – you didn’t swim. Most meets were cancelled.

4 years ago

I’m sure that the lockdowns had some effect but there’s also the fact that a ton of the top high school juniors and seniors just happen to be from North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida.

Reply to  Patrick
4 years ago

Illinois locked down since Thanksgiving

Swim mom
Reply to  Ecoach
4 years ago

Yet St. Charles swim team practiced and swam?

Dan The Man
Reply to  Swim mom
4 years ago

Yeah, pretty sketchy. Some other Illinois teams competed as well, but swam unattached. The rules don’t apply to us…great lesson to teach your team!

Reply to  Swim mom
4 years ago

Ya you have a point whatever tho 🤷🏽‍♂️

Reply to  Bruh
4 years ago

Just wondering how a team competes if the state is locked down like the commenter said?

Reply to  SwimMom
4 years ago

Illinois swimming said you can’t have a meet or go out the state but USA swimming said other wise

Reply to  Patrick
4 years ago

Any chance of any Californians swimming at a meet this year have all been decided by one man.

Reply to  10U DAD
4 years ago

For highschool swimming, his guidelines just placed outdoor swim in the purple tier. Meaning of things stay as they are or improve, ca is getting a highschool swim season.

Reply to  10U DAD
4 years ago
Reply to  Patrick
4 years ago

Here in FL most of the outdoor-based teams were back in the water at the end of May and the high school season started in late August as normal, though with the first few duals meets held as virtual. We’ve also seen a number of northern families who have rented places here and enrolled their kids in school so they can keep training with local teams down here after their programs were shut down up north. That’s a reason why you see more swimming as “Unattached” at meets.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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