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Virtual Winter 18&U Champs Dec 14 Update: Curzan & TAC Titans Surge


The rankings aren’t final, as some meet results are still trickling into the database. But the qualifying period has closed, and it’s time to take a look at the current Winter Championships leaders.


In a pandemic-adjusted season, USA Swimming’s Winter Junior Championships are taking place as a multi-site competition. Results from any sanctioned meet between December 1 and December 13 will count for Winter Championships scoring, with an unlimited number of meet results in that time frame being combined to create the final results.


USA Swimming is compiling results on its website – you can play around with the tool here.

We pulled the top 20 swimmers in each event so far. These numbers are, of course, limited by which meets have and have not been entered into the database as of Thursday morning.



Event Gender Leader Time
50 FR SCY F Gretchen Walsh 21.41
100 FR SCY F Gretchen Walsh 47.36
200 FR SCY F Torri Huske 1:43.23
500 FR SCY F Emma Weyant 4:38.39
1650 FR SCY F Cavan Gormsen 15:58.97
100 BK SCY F Claire Curzan 50.18
200 BK SCY F Claire Curzan 1:49.35
100 BR SCY F Letitia Sim 59.01
200 BR SCY F Abby Arens 2:08.21
100 FL SCY F Claire Curzan 49.80
200 FL SCY F Tess Howley 1:53.95
200 IM SCY F Torri Huske 1:54.50
400 IM SCY F Emma Weyant 4:04.48
50 FR SCY M Youssef Ramadan 19.62
100 FR SCY M Youssef Ramadan 43.44
200 FR SCY M Luke Miller 1:33.83
500 FR SCY M James Plage 4:18.33
1650 FR SCY M Liam Custer 14:37.86
100 BK SCY M Anthony Grimm 46.25
200 BK SCY M Jack Aikins 1:40.92
100 BR SCY M Josh Matheny 52.02
200 BR SCY M Josh Matheny 1:51.38
100 FL SCY M Zac Van Zandt 45.84
200 FL SCY M Landon Gentry 1:43.03
200 IM SCY M Baylor Nelson 1:45.04
400 IM SCY M Mikey Moore 3:45.12

New event leaders since our last look at the ranks include Weyant (500 free, 400 IM), Gormsen (1650 free), Curzan (100 back, 200 back, 100 fly), Howley (200 fly), Custer (1650 free), Aikins (200 back), and Matheny (100 breast, 200 breast).


Many of the top qualifiers are college freshmen competing as unattached swimmers, but they are factored out of the team score ranks below:

Rank Club Code Points
1 TAC Titans TAC 244.0
2 Sarasota Sharks SYS 178.0
3 Nation’s Capital Swim Club NCAP 172.0
4 SwimMAC Carolina MAC 139.5
5 SwimAtlanta SA 127.5
6 Arlington Aquatic Club AAC 107.0
7 Long Island Aquatic Club LIAC 105.0
8 Nashville Aquatic Club NAC 101.0
9 Dynamo Swim Club DYNA 93.0
10 Mecklenburg Swim Association MSA 86.0
11 North Carolina Aquatic Club NCAC 77.5
11 Mason Makos Swim Team MAKO 77.5
13 Springfield Aquatics SPA 71.5
14 Austin Swim Club ASC 65.0
15 Lakeside Aquatic Club LAC 57.5
16 TNT Swimming TNT 56.5
17 Fort Collins Area Swim Team FAST 56.0
18 COR Swimming COR 54.0
18 Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club CFSC 54.0
20 Franklin Regional Swim Team FRST 47.0
21 Tampa Elite Aquatics TEAM 46.0
22 Clovis Swim Club CLOV 45.5
22 Univ of Denver Hilltoppers TOPS 45.5
24 Spartan Aquatic Club SPAC 45.0
25 Carpet Capital Aquatics Club CCAC 44.0
25 South Shore Sails SSS 44.0
27 Flood Aquatics Swim Team FAST 41.5
28 Treasure Coast Aquatics TCA 41.0
29 Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics PEAQ 40.0
30 Y-Spartaquatics Swim Club YSSC 39.0
31 The Woodlands Swim Team TWST 35.5
32 Bluefish Swim Club ABF 34.0
33 Zionsville Swim Club ZSC 32.0
34 Empire KC Swim Club EKC 31.5
35 Plymouth Whitemarsh Aquatics PWAC 30.5
36 St Charles Swim Team SCST 29.0
37 Azura Florida Aquatics AZFL 28.0
38 Quicksilver Swimming QSS 27.5
39 Mason Manta Rays RAYS 25.0
39 Lifetime Swim Team North Carolina LTNC 25.0
41 Baylor Swim Club BAY 21.5
42 Pine Crest Swimming PCS 21.0
42 Race Pace Club – KY RPC 21.0
44 Medina Recreation Swim Team MRST 20.0
44 Badger Swim Club,Inc. BAD 20.0
44 Team Suffolk TS 20.0
47 Sandpipers Of Nevada SAND 19.0
47 Machine Aquatics MACH 19.0
49 TOPS Swimming TOPS 18.5
50 Metroplex Aquatics MTRO 15.5
50 Cardinal Aquatics CARD 15.5
52 Tampa Bay Aquatic Club TBAC 14.0
52 Reno Aquatic Club RENO 14.0
54 North Texas Nadadores NTN 13.0
55 Marietta Marlins, Inc LINS 12.0
55 Westchester Aquatic Club WEST 12.0
57 Cavalier Aquatics/Piedmont Family YMCA CA-Y 11.0
57 Irvine Novaquatics NOVA 11.0
57 Peddie Aquatic Association PAA 11.0
57 Treasure Coast Swimming Conquistadores TCSC 11.0
57 New Albany Aquatic Club NAAC 11.0
57 Jersey Wahoos JW 11.0
57 Western Ymca Wahoos WEST 11.0
64 Irish Aquatics IA 10.0
64 United Swim Club USC 10.0
66 Northern KY Clippers Swimming CLPR 9.0
66 Aulea Swim Club AUL 9.0
66 Wahoo’s of Wellington WOW 9.0
69 The Fish FISH 8.5
70 Billings Aquatic Club BAC 8.0
70 Scottsdale Aquatic Club SAC 8.0
72 Elmbrook Swim Club EBSC 7.0
72 Cardinal Community Swim Club CARD 7.0
72 Fishers Area Swimming Tigers FAST 7.0
72 T2 Aquatics T2 7.0
72 Berzerker Swimming BZRK 7.0
77 Blue Dolfins BD 6.0
77 Nitro Swimming NTRO 6.0
77 East Carolina Aquatics ECA 6.0
77 Triggerfish Aquatics TFA 6.0
81 Sierra Marlins Swim Team SMST 4.5
82 Magnolia Aquatic Club MAC 4.0
83 Tsunami Swim Team of K.C. TST 3.0
83 Saluki Swim Club SALU 3.0
83 SOCAL Aquatics Association SCAL 3.0
86 Trinity Prep Aquatics TPA 2.0
86 Highlander Aquatic Club HIGH 2.0
86 Blue Tide Aquatics BTA 2.0
86 DART Swimming DART 2.0
86 SOL Swim Team SST 2.0
86 Rockwall Aquatic Center of Excellence RACE 2.0
92 Planet Swim Aquatics PSA 1.0
92 Sailfish Aquatics SAIL 1.0
92 First Colony Swim Team, Inc. FCST 1.0
92 Greater Toledo Aquatic Club GTAC 1.0
92 Pipeline Swimming PS 1.0

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4 years ago

The points are missing for tied places for Top 16 finishers.
At least for 50 & 100 Free for men.

Last edited 4 years ago by Dan
Swim Dawg
4 years ago

9/ top 10 are east coast teams ?

GA Boy
Reply to  Swim Dawg
4 years ago

This is partly because of pool closures and safety regulations in west coast states.

Reply to  Swim Dawg
4 years ago

Did any West Coast states allow meets to happen?

Reply to  Cali
4 years ago

my understanding is no.

Reply to  Cali
4 years ago

Arizona did, I believe.

Reply to  Cali
4 years ago

Yes in NorCal, there were at least 4 teams competing in San Jose, CA. More teams and events were scheduled in the Bay Area but were cancelled due to “political science.” AZ is accommodating ÇA youth sports and benefiting with tourism $$$.

Reply to  Icanfreezetime
4 years ago

Several SOCal teams went to Mesa.

Reply to  Cali
4 years ago

Yes. Quicksilver Swimming, Crow Canyon, Clovis, DART, Sandpipers, just to name a few.

4 years ago

Why no 1000 lists?

GA Boy
Reply to  John
4 years ago

Cause it wasn’t an event…

Reply to  GA Boy
4 years ago

Yes it was. Look at the qualifying times. It is listed.

NC swimmer
Reply to  John
4 years ago

You could qualify for the meet with it but it was not swam at the meet.

GA Boy
Reply to  John
4 years ago

Read the meet info… it can be used to qualify for the mile. Do a little research please.

4 years ago

Headline really isn’t a shock. Not taking a way from the clear breakaway winners, but as far as the upper-middle of the pack goes, anyone that’s swam at Cary can tell you that the TAC pool is short.

Reply to  NCSwimmer123
4 years ago


Reply to  NCSwimmer123
4 years ago

Well this is the only logical answer to why swimmers like Claire only swim fast at TAC, as evidenced by her 56.6 100 fly in Greensboro a few weeks ago.

Reply to  TBC
4 years ago

It must be all of nc plotting against the world

Reply to  NCSwimmer123
4 years ago

I thought it would have been measured before and after (since there were NAG record(s)).

Reply to  NCSwimmer123
4 years ago

I’m not familiar with NC swim humor — is this considered a joke?

Reply to  swimgeek
4 years ago

Kind of a joke and kind of not. There is definitely something about TAC whether it’s the current or short pool.

Cary swimmer
Reply to  NCswimmer567
4 years ago

There’s a current but that only affects lanes 1 and 8 and only really matters long course. Also not the only pool with a current.

Reply to  Cary swimmer
4 years ago

In any race where a swimmer swims both directions, in fact, a current is disadvantageous. While you swim the same distance with and against the current, you spend more time swimming against the current than with it in short course or in long course longer than a 50.

NC Swimmer 1234
Reply to  NCSwimmer123
4 years ago

TAC is not short idk what you’re on.

Irish Ringer
Reply to  NC Swimmer 1234
4 years ago


Reply to  NC Swimmer 1234
4 years ago

TAC is a great example of what is possible with the right conditions. They own their own top notch facility and have a huge area to pull sponsorships from to defray costs. Were they even out of the pool a month? They have been hosting meets since the summer nearly every weekend and charging to livestream it. Teams are happy to come to the area and get the opportunity to compete. Do TAC swimmers even have to travel? They sleep in their own beds and eat their own food – which probably sets some amazing conditions for top swimming. What other team gets to do that?

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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