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New Jersey Allows Outdoor Pools To Reopen At 50% Capacity

New Jersey has officially moved to Stage 2 of its coronavirus reopening plan, with outdoor pools allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.

The state had targeted Monday as its date to move to stage 2, but hadn’t yet released all the details for specific industries allowed to reopen on that date. reports that stage 2 will allow a handful of personal-care businesses (spas, cosmetology shops, massage parlors, tanning salons, tattoo parlors) to reopen. The state will also allow outdoor gatherings of up to 250 people, provided people can remain six feet apart. The limit was previously 100 people.

Included in that stage are outdoor pools and outdoor ‘private-club swimming pools.’ They’ll be allowed to reopen under specific guidelines. We’ve pulled out some of the more notable below:

  • 50% facility capacity
  • Staff screened for fever and symptoms
  • Staggered entry and exit points (recommendation)
  • Social distancing of six feet between swimmers
  • Swimmers can bring their own equipment, but cannot rent or use facility equipment, like kickboards or fins
  • Staff and swimmers are encouraged to wear face coverings outside of the pool – with the exception of lifeguards and children under 2

You can read all the rules on the New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub here.

According to, indoor fitness centers should also reopen in stage 2, but Governor Phil Murphy has not yet provided a date when those facilities will reopen.

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4 years ago

They are not letting indoor pools open, some of which are way safer than the outdoor pools. Governor Murphy, please listen to your citizens and experts in this area.

4 years ago

And what about NYC- are we staying closed forever? I can’t believe that we can’t get an answer from the regional board. This is so unfair to the teams with indoor pools.

Reply to  Coco
4 years ago

They’re probably out of $$$ and using Covid as an excuse.

Swim Mom
Reply to  Coco
4 years ago

To make it worse most of the pools in NYC are in CUNY’s which means if the schools stay closed, so do the pools. USA swimming has given all LSC guidelines on pool openings, why can’t DeBlasio just allow swim teams to train A) it’s revenue for the school, B) the lifeguards need their jobs. C) the kids need to train.

Reply to  Swim Mom
4 years ago

Could care less about kids and families it seems. He’s a failure of a mayor.

4 years ago

Me chilling in Washington like 👁👄👁

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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