courtesy, a SwimmersBest brand
So many of us are locked out of our lap pools for an unknown amount of time and are likely to be locked out again pretty soon if they do open up. But you CAN use your backyard pool as an ideal tool to keep you in shape as a competitive swimmer or triathlete. Here is an article that will give you a ton of ideas on how to maximize your workouts with a backyard pool that will then link you to plenty of workouts, sets, drills, and methods you can use to keep improving all summer if you need to (
Below is a simple drill that will work to take any length pool and make it a great cardio workout. Use this drill in the middle of other components to get your heart pumping and make your workouts harder. We call this the Salo 50 (inspired by the type of things Dave Salo uses regularly) as it is a mini version of a 50 yard set we include in our swim team sets pretty regularly. We use it as a quick way to stress the body and heart leading into a more serious component of a workout.
- Push off wall into an immediate 360 flip turn
- Superman kicking (flutter kick with head out of water and arms in position 11)
- Surface open turn (
- Back kick to starting wall
For other drills and set components check out our Free Shared Doc (
Digging deeper:
- Add Power Bags on calves or feet to increase the resistance
- Add Weight Bags to the Wrists to add weight to the front end of the body
- Add Power Chute to the small of your back to add resistance to the overall drill
For more information about why and what equipment is the best go to SwimSwam’s article here (
Putting in the Work (a mini set):
Equipment: Power Bags on calves
Salo 50
8 lengths all out
Underwater Length
Salo 50
Repeat set
See Backyard Pool Resistance Kits
Additional Sets and Components
ABOUT ONESWIM.COM, A SWIMMERSBEST BRAND is leading the way for the future of swim training equipment. The company offers a broad range of solutions for improving stroke technique, kick technique, and breathing technique. They provide swimmers, coaches, and teams with the tools they need to balance technique training with conditioning training. By combining the best drills with the best tools, the SwimmersBest products give swimmers instant tactile feedback so they can adjust their technique efficiently. The old way of having coaches constantly remind swimmers of their individual problems has proven to offer very little improvement in technique. All SwimmersBest products are designed to constantly ‘talk to the swimmers’ so they can feel the problems and make corrections. This unique approach means the swimmers are given negative feedback for incorrect stroke technique, which compels the swimmers to quickly correct the problem on their own. With a constant flow of new innovative product designs, SwimmersBest is a company that will continue to deliver solutions you need.
SWIMMERSBEST INSTAGRAM / SwimmersBest is a SwimSwam partner.