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Italian Olympic Trials, International Travel Cancelled Due To Coronavirus

You can read full coverage of the coronavirus impact on Italy on SwimSwam Italia.

Yesterday we reported that the Italian government had enacted new, stricter restrictions on travel within the nation due to the coronavirus outbreak. This involved defining a ‘red zone’, which blocked all travel to and from Itay’s northern regions in the heart of the country’s outbreak.

However, taking things one step further specific to swimming, today the Italian Swimming Federation (Federnuoto) has officially cancelled the Olympic Trials meet originally scheduled for March 17th – March 21st.

Additionally, teams are restricted from competing at international events. The specific data parameters are not yet spelled out.

Per its official press release, which you can read here the Italian Swimming Federation has instructed the following concerning upcoming competitions:


For the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency by COVID-19 , by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 8 March 2020 and by the different ordinances issued by the Regions and Municipalities, also in compliance with the aforementioned Decree; assessed the consequent impossibility of guaranteeing continuity and homogeneity in the preparation of the athletes in the national territory, the Italian Swimming Federation announces that it has ordered the suspension of the following national events:

  • National water polo championships for men and women A1 series until further notice
  • absolute indoor open dives scheduled from 13 to 15 March in Turin
  • Absolute indoor cross-country swimming championships scheduled for 15 and 16 March in Riccione
  • Swimming Absolutes scheduled from March 17th to 21st and Final of the National Swimming Team Championship
  • Bremen Cup of 22 March, both in Riccione;
  • National youth swimming criterias scheduled from 3 to 8 April in Riccione;
  • National Championships beginners categories A and synchronized swimming girls scheduled in Rome on 4 and 5 April.

The Italian Swimming Federation – reiterating its obsequious and scrupulous respect for government directives – will communicate shortly how it intends to proceed with regard to the possible adjustments to the calendar of national competitions and the criteria for participation in national and international activities.

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4 years ago

Is training still allowed ?

4 years ago

No problem. Ranking basic qualifing is also possible.

Human Ambition
4 years ago

”Swimming pools, sports halls, thermal baths, cultural centers and wellness centers must suspend their activities” //

4 years ago

I think that what might affect the Tokyo olympics and will end up determining if they are going to happen on time is the fact that athletes might not be ready, or teams might not be selected. The US is used to make their Olympic team very close from the meet, unlike everybody else. What a difficult situation right now for Italian swimmers and coaches

Justin Thompson
4 years ago

Wow, on the surface, if you just look at the numbers, this seems to be an extreme reaction to take. 110,890 cases worldwide with 3877 deaths with about 3/4 of that coming from China. If the stats I’m looking at are accurate, Italy has 7,375 cases with 366 fatalities. I guess time will tell, but hoping this settles down soon.

Reply to  Justin Thompson
4 years ago

It is the right reaction, be aware Covid is serious matter not a joke like someone say.
It is extremely contageous and once it broke out it is almost impossible to stop (unless you let it kill everyone infected)

Reply to  Emanuele
4 years ago

if only people were taking more VITAMIN C , there would be no trouble but Mass Media’s propaganda is not spreading the right informations ……there is nothing to be afraid of . Just another flu type .

Justin Thompson
4 years ago

I agree that it’s hyped more than the stats suggest, but interesting that it’s impacted Italy far more than other countries when you look at the infected to fatality ratio.

4 years ago

no, it is not

4 years ago

Messing w some tapers at this juncture

4 years ago

Sightings of Santo singing “O Canada” outside FINA headquarters.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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