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Aaron Peirsol Appointed to FINA Technical Swimming Committee

Earlier this week, FINA announced its committee appointments through 2021.

Members hail from swimming, diving, high diving, synchronized swimming, water polo, open water, and masters swimming backgrounds. The appointees were picked by FINA President Julio Maglione, and will work to advise the federation for the next four years.

The FINA committee system has three parts:  six “technical” committees (one per sport), 14 “specialized” committees (one per topic), as well as four advisory panels (disciplinary, DRCB, doping, and ethics).

The US will have the opportunity to exert quite a bit of influence, with representatives on the vast majority of committees, and leadership positions on eight of them. In addition to the committee appointments, Dale Neuburger was reelected as FINA Vice President, his fifth term in the role.

Aaron Peirsol will serve on the Technical Swimming Committee and continue his stay on the Athletes Committee. Earlier this summer, he built momentum when he wrote on behalf of the Athletes Committee, calling for aquatic athletes to voice their concerns about decisions within their sports.

Here’s the full list of representatives:

Disciplinary Panel
Rob Duiven (Chairman), Saud Abdulrahman S Alromi, William Clarke, Rodolfo Antoniofalcón Cabrera, Jane Njeri Onyango, Lani Velasco

Doping Control Review Board (DRCB)
Jordi Segura (Chairman), Jian Zhao (Vice Chairman), Jose Veloso (Honorary Secretary), Shadi Alshammary, Daniel Anton Eichner, Diana Robinson, Lubna Sibtain, Pieter Van Der Merwe, Wesselius Onckezimmermann, Erik Van Heijningen (Bureau Liaison)

Doping Panel
Robert Fox (Chairman), Farid Benbelkacem, Bill Bock, Peter Kerr, David William Lech, Toshiro Ueyanagi

Ethics Panel
Bill Hybl (Chairman), Rashid Alanezi, Abdon Deguenon, Chris Fydler, Jean Léon Noël Gay, Raymond Hack

Technical Swimming Committee
Carol Zaleski (Chairman). Virendra Nanavati (Vice Chairman), Andrea Thielenhaus (Honorary Secretary), Aaron Peirsol (Athlete Representative), Raúl José Araya, Ryan Arblaster. Daphne Bird, Paul Fanchette, Lesley Huckins, Louise Leblanc, Sonia O’Neal, Shigeo Ogata, Ivan Varvodic, Haoran Yuan, Tatiana Zhukova, Craig Hunter (Events Sub-Committee), Camelia Potec (Events Sub-Committee, António Silva (Events Sub-Committee), Mae Chen Tang (Events Sub-Committee), Dale Neuburger (Bureau Liaison)

Technical Open Water Swimming Committee
Ronnie Wong (Chairman), Sid Cassidy (Vice Chairman), Sam Greetham (Honorary Secretary), Britta Kamrau (Athlete Representative), Abdul Monem Al Alawi, Abdulla Al Zahmi, Luís Baptista, Jorge Delgado, Bill Ford, Avelino Monteiro, Jean-Paul Narce, Fernando Terrilli, Samuel Ufitimana, John West, Soh Yew Siang Soh (Events Sub-Committee), Morgan Toro Martinez (Events Sub-Committee), Noam Zwi (Events Sub-Committee), Dennis Miller (Bureau Liaison)

Technical Diving Committee
Alexey Vlasenko (Chairman), Bashar Alsaffar (Vice Chairman), Kathy Seaman (Honorary Secretary), Tingmao Shi (Athlete Representative), Eric Raymond Brooker. Felixcalderon Rodriguez, Ruolin Chen, Colleen Huffman, Mary Kloppers, Mathz Lindberg, Hana Novotná, Dominique Philippopoulos, Hesham Seifallah, Akito Suehiro, Simon James Latimer (Events Sub-Committee), Anke Piper (Events Sub-Committee), Melanie Beck (Diving World Series Manager), Jihong Zhou (Bureau Liaison)

Technical High Diving Committee
Tom Gompf (Chairman), Mark Joseph (Vice Chairman), Melanie Beck (Honorary Secretary), Orlando Duque (Athlete Representative), Gaby Doueihy, Farid El Allam, Babatunde Anthonyfatayi-Williams, Michael Geissbühler, Mitch Geller, Marcos Jara, Ender Alfonsoluzardo Nuñez, Dmitry Sautin, Veronica Stanham, Minxia Wu, Joey Zuber, Julian Llinas Quetglas, Donald Rukare (Bureau Liaison)

Technical Water Polo Committee
Manuel Ibern (Chairman), Mark Koganov (Vice Chairman), Wim Keman (Honorary Secretary), Stavroula Kozompoli (Athlete Representative), Nasser Al Degaither, Alan Balfanbayev, Milivoj Bebić, Mónica Graciela Brochero, Yasser Mohamed Ibrahimidris, Takeshi Inoue, Tamas Molnar, Richard Papazian, Guy Don Pinker, William J. (Bill) Shaw, John Whitehouse. Andy Hoepelman (Events Sub-Committee), Ken Kuroda (Events Sub-Committee), Eugenio Martinez (Events Sub-Committee), Qi Zhao (Events Sub-Committee), Andrey Kryukov (Bureau Liaison)

Technical Synchronized Swimming Committee
Lisa Schott (Chairman), Ginny Jasontek (Vice Chairman), Olga Brusnikina (Honorary Secretary), Virginie Dedieu (Athlete Representative), Danae Christou, Esther Croes, Feilina Feisol, Livia Gut La Ragione, Miwako Homma, Yan Liu, Jennifer Naidoo, Anna Nepotacheva, Jong Ran Pak, Svitlana Saidova, Maria Bilbao (Events Sub-Committee). Elmira Fayzullaeva (Events Sub-Committee), Tamas Gyarfas (Bureau Liaison)

Athletes Committee
Penny Heyns (Chairman), Britta Kamrau (Vice Chairman), Camelia Potec (Honorary Secretary), Kirsty Coventry, Virginie Dedieu, Orlando Duque, Malick Fall, Aaron Feltham, Stavroula Kozompoli, Patrick Murphy, Aaron Peirsol, Thiago Pereira, Ryan Pini, Tingmao Shi, Kaori Takemura, Matthew Dunn (Bureau Liaison)

Audit Committee
Jan Exner, Gustavomastroiani Bernasconi, Debendranath Sarangi

Awards Committee
Erik Van Heijningen (Chairman), Qais Saud Hamedal-Zakwani, Errol Clarke, Dimitris Diathesopoulos, Mohamed Diop, Matthew Dunn, Daichi Suzuki

Coaches Committee
Graham Hill (Chairman), Denes Dr. Kemeny (Vice Chairman), Osvaldo Arsenio (Honorary Secretary), Mohammed Al Sheeb, Fernando Jose Canales, Sheilagh Ann Croxon, Anastasia Davydova, Zakaria Daw, Aaron Dziver, Elvis Fatovic, Mayuko Fujiki, Drew Johansen, Adam Krikorian, Michel Larouche, Tammy Mcgregor, Ron Mckeon, Isaac Kyalo Musembi, Justin Oliveira, Stephen Onyeacholam, Iván Petrov, Petar Porobic, Pradeep Kumar Sreedharan, Natalia Tarasova, Frédéric Pierre Vergnoux, Catherine Edlin Vogt, Dustin Webster, Wenjin Zhao, Vladimir Salnikov (Bureau Liaison)

Developments Committee
Dale Neuburger (Chairman), Husain Al Musallam, Paolo Barelli, Dennis Miller, Sam Ramsamy

Facilities Committee
Joaquin Pujol (Chairman), Romani Katoa, Harold Lai Chuck Choo, Ibrahim Naddeh, Mick Nelson

Finance Committee
Ulanbek Akmatbaev, Eddie Francis, George Gaita, Driss Hassa, Pipat Paniangvait

Legal Committee
Abdullah Alhayyan (Chairman), Darren Kane, Moses Benon Mwase, Onat Yildirim, Rich Young, Jean-Pierre Morand (Legal Counsel)

Marketing Committee
Pipat Paniangvait (Chairman), Matthew Dunn, Juan Carlos Orihuela, Donald Rukare, Vladimir Salnikov

Masters Committee
Doreen Tiborcz (Chairman), Mel Goldstein (Vice Chairman), Ed Evelly (Honorary Secretary), Farid Abi Raad, Obaid Ahmed Obaid Salehaljasmi, Golosoun Boris, Joaquim Pestana Rodrigues Dacosta, Roger Eagles, Kurt Mikkola, Kerrie Punivalu, Ferenc Salamon, Carlos Tabini, Ahmed Touny, Majid Waseem, Andy Knowles (Events Sub-Committee), Evenel Mervilus (Events Sub-Committee), Ulrike Urbaniak (Events Sub-Committee), Mohamed Diop (Bureau Liaison)

Media Committee
Anna Kozina (Chairman), Jace Naidoo (Vice Chairman), Gregory Eggert (Honorary Secretary), Khalid Habib Al Lawati, Eliana Alves, Chaker Belhad, Maureen Croes, Gergely Csurka. Russell Mckinnon, S.Ihsanuddin Taheri, Joseph Cornelisvan Kuijeren, Xin Zhou, Pedro Adrega (Media Council), Taha Sulaiman Dawoodal-Kishry (Bureau Liaison)

National Federations Relations Committee
Husain Al Musallam (Chairman), Shaikh Mohamed Bin Ebrahimalkhalifa, Abdulla Alwheibi, Ewen Andrew Cameron, Antoniocastro Soto Del Valle, Alan Fritz, Ron Van Pool, Erkan Yalcin

Sports Medicine Committee
Ceesvan Den Hoogenband (Chairman), David Gerrard (Vice Chairman), Kevin Boyd (Honorary Secretary), Béla Péter Merkely, Jim Miller, Farhad Moradi Shahpar, Ivan Ortiz, Varvodic, Xinzhai Wang, Mohammed Yahia Cherif, Margo Mountjoy (Bureau Liaison)

Swimwear Approval Committee
An-Anders Manson (Chairman), Bruce Mason, Dave Pendergast, Shigehiro Takahashi,  Maha Zaoui

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Jeff Ratino
7 years ago

Nothing will get done with that many members on so many committees

7 years ago

How are athletes appointed to the Athlete Committee? Personally I’d say that could do with a few more recent athletes being added.

7 years ago

Do we really need breaststroke? Extra 50 of back in the IM come on Aaron!

Reply to  Skipper
7 years ago

Some people can do breaststroke but not backstroke well.

Reply to  cynthiacurran
7 years ago

Breaststrokers aren’t people.

Years of Plain Suck
7 years ago

Item #1 for Aaron: eliminate the atrocious LOCHTE RULE.

Reply to  Years of Plain Suck
7 years ago

truly one of the most idiotic rules out there

Tom from Chicago
7 years ago

I wouldn’t mind keeping the sport close to its current form. I don’t want to see breast and fly with flip turns.

About Torrey Hart

Torrey Hart

Torrey is from Oakland, CA, and majored in media studies and American studies at Claremont McKenna College, where she swam distance freestyle for the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps team. Outside of SwimSwam, she has bylines at Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, SB Nation, and The Student Life newspaper.

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