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ACC Pulls 2017 Swimming Championship Meet from North Carolina

Braden Keith
by Braden Keith 44

September 14th, 2016 ACC, College, News

The ACC has announced that they’ve pulled all neutral-site conference championship meets from the state of North Carolina from the 2016-2017 academic year, following in the footsteps of an announcement from the NCAA earlier this year.

That includes the conference swimming championship meet which was set to be hosted at the Greensboro Aquatic Center in Greensboro, North Carolina every season from 2017-2022.

The decision will not affect university-hosted championships in the state, like the ones in cross country, field hockey, wrestling, and fencing.

The rift is over the controversial North Carolina House Bill 2, which the ACC says is “inconsistent with (their) values” of equality, diversity, inclusion, and non-discrimination.

The bill, also known as the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, deals with gender identity, and garnered national media attention as “the bathroom bill.” It requires transgender people to use restrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificates in government buildings rather than the gender with which they identify. On a broader scale, the law defines “biological sex” as “the physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person’s birth certificate.” That changes the scope of the state’s anti-discrimination law, which now protects from discrimination based on “biological sex” but does not mention transgender people.

4 of the conference’s 15 member institutions (Duke, North Carolina, Wake Forest, and North Carolina State) are based in North Carolina, as are the ACC’s headquarters in Greensboro.

No time table for naming replacement hosts has been announced, though several other schools in the conference have large aquatic facilities capable of hosting the meet, including last year’s NCAA Championships hosts at Georgia Tech.

Statement from the ACC Council of Presidents:

“As members of the Atlantic Coast Conference, the ACC Council of Presidents reaffirmed our collective commitment to uphold the values of equality, diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination. Every one of our 15 universities is strongly committed to these values and therefore, we will continue to host ACC Championships at campus sites. We believe North Carolina House Bill 2 is inconsistent with these values, and as a result, we will relocate all neutral site championships for the 2016-17 academic year. All locations will be announced in the future from the conference office.”

Statement from Clemson University President James P. Clements, chair of the ACC Council of Presidents:

“The ACC presidents engaged in a constructive, wide-ranging and vigorous discussion of this complex issue over the past two days. The decision to move the neutral site championships out of North Carolina while HB 2 remains the law was not an easy one but it is consistent with the shared values of inclusion and non-discrimination at all of our institutions.”

Statement from ACC Commissioner John Swofford:

“The ACC Council of Presidents made it clear that the core values of this league are of the utmost importance, and the opposition to any form of discrimination is paramount. Today’s decision is one of principle, and while this decision is the right one, we recognize there will be individuals and communities that are supportive of our values as well as our championship sites that will be negatively affected. Hopefully, there will be opportunities beyond 2016-17 for North Carolina neutral sites to be awarded championships.”

Neutral site championships (in date order):

  • Women’s Soccer
  • Football
  • Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving
  • Women’s Basketball
  • Men’s and Women’s Tennis
  • Women’s Golf
  • Men’s Golf
  • Baseball

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8 years ago

Have the transgender people use the same restrooms that they have been using over the last 50 years. No one was complaining five years ago.

All of a sudden it’s a political lightning rod. It’s got to be politically motivated somewow. I guess I should do a little research….

Reply to  Billy
8 years ago

They are political pawns. Typical playbook, find a minority group that is routinely discriminated upon and pretend you are taking up for them to gain support and along the way you get the support of the sympathizers. Early adopters are likely to feel the repercussions:

Joe Momma
8 years ago

Again plz stfu

Be the Change you wish to see
Reply to  Billy
8 years ago

Make sure you also look to see if there are any similarities between the general knowledge of transgender discontent and the amount of time it took for America to seriously debate the unrighteousness of slavery. This may seem like a brash assumption, but it really is astounding to see how history repeats itself in ways that may be difficult to recognize.

Reply to  Be the Change you wish to see
8 years ago

I don’t think there’s any relation. You are grasping here on these posts trying to come across like you understand the tranny mindset and now you are trying to compare it to slavery.

Joe Momma
8 years ago

Why are you acting like your opinion is the only one that matters? You obviously have no idea what it’s like to be transgender so plz stfu you close minded prick

Nasty Woman
8 years ago

You are so very offensive. I believe Donald Trump is trolling.

8 years ago

Confused about why this is coming up? Transgenders vant cross sports yet? If your born a male you cant become a woman and then compete in that genders sport? Obviously that would be unfair.

Reply to  Superrichie
8 years ago

Athletes aren’t the only people at a popular meet.

Reply to  Coachingtime
8 years ago

If you are lucky a transgender might be in attendance, one for every 300 or so attendees on average, and god forbid they have to use the restroom they’ve used most of their lives. I’m sure climbing that mountain has more difficulties than hitting the head.

Be the Change you wish to see
8 years ago

Gendered bathrooms were first created by men for women to have a break and a safe place away from men. This being said, the psyche of any transgender woman relates to that of, well, any other woman, as a generalization. This means transgender women go into bathrooms because nature calls, not to show your daughters and wives the genitalia they were born with that do not coincide with their gender identity. It is also not the fault of transgender women that men are the greatest danger to women, as they are not men and are victims themselves of much abuse from both genders.

Reply to  Be the Change you wish to see
8 years ago

I’m glad you know the psyche of any transgender woman and can relate that to the rest of us. Do you too know a friend with a transgender like NCSWAMMER? It’s refreshing to know that all transgender individuals, all .004% of them, never have any ill intentions when stepping into the opposite sex’s restroom. You are profound and we are lucky to receive your opinion.

What is your take on the straight male who dresses up as a transgender to go into the bathroom?

8 years ago

That terminology is important.

“Cisgendered” is the word you’re looking for, as “straight” refers to sexual orientation not gender identity.

Cisgendered being when the gendered body you were born into correctly matches up with your gender identity – who you perceive yourself as being.

Straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, heteroflexible, etc. all being terms relating to who you like/are attracted to, as opposed to who you are.

That being said, I’m sure a guy who likes women, donning a dress and going into a women’s bathroom will elicit no more confusion than a transgendered person forced to use the bathroom that does not conform to their gender identity.

IE If you force a man who was… Read more »

Joe Momma
8 years ago

Can u stfu

Reply to  Superrichie
8 years ago

Actually, providing that the transgender athlete in question meets certain guidelines with regards to hormones, they are in fact able to switch the gender that they play/compete for within the NCAA.

pine tree
Reply to  Superrichie
8 years ago

It’s already happened. Renee Richards competed in women’s professional tennis starting in the mid 1970’s and defeated highly ranked players during her career. She also went to court to get the right to compete as a women.

8 years ago

This is pathetic and pointless

ct swim fan
Reply to  Kordez
8 years ago

Again, the bathroom part of this bill has been getting all of the attention. However, if you read the following there are many other little goodies that have been hidden in it.

Reply to  ct swim fan
8 years ago

You mean a bill with items in it that has nothing to do with the original purpose? I don’t like any better than you, but find me a bill that doesn’t include pork or un related items stuffed in it. How do you think Obamacare got passed. By bribing states with pork.

ct swim fan
8 years ago

If you read the link above, there are numerous pieces of discrimination in the bill that have nothing to do with bathrooms. This passed because a bunch of self absorbed and basically lying politicians screamed loudly about molestation in the bathrooms if this passed and then sneaked a whole bunch of other things in that infringe on the rights of many groups of people. It’s very disturbing what these people did and I’m glad someone is taking a stand against it. Just for the record, there have been zero problems any place that bills similar to Charlottes were passed,

Joe Momma
8 years ago


pine tree
Reply to  ct swim fan
8 years ago

Thank you CT Swim Fan, I had no idea this law was so regressive, and in areas not related to the bathroom issue. This law should be removed. If the people of North Carolina can’t see that, then I feel sorry for them. With that said, I don’t want my daughter in a bathroom with a man who identifies as a women, for any reason, under any circumstance. If I’m wrong to feel this way, please someone explain to me why I’m wrong.

Reply to  pine tree
8 years ago

Your daughter may have been in a restroom with a transgender person. I may have too, but in my 50 plus years on earth, I don’t remember ever being bothered by one. They walk among us and probably just want to be left alone like the rest of us….JMHO.

pine tree
Reply to  Billy
8 years ago

Billy – thanks for your response, I don’t disagree at all. But, for whatever reason, my mind thought about a ‘locker’ room situation rather than a restroom situation when I responded to this piece. Is that covered under this law as well?

Reply to  Billy
8 years ago

Compassionate father shopping at Target and his 10 year old daughter goes into the bathroom followed by a 40 year old tranny. You going to sit here and say you have no concern whatsoever?

Reply to  pine tree
8 years ago

A man who identifies as a woman is a woman. She will likely appear similar to most other women in that restroom – wearing a dress perhaps, maybe she has long hair, makeup, taking female hormones. She is going to go into the stall, close the door, and – wait for it – do her business just like the rest of us ladies. Then she is going to wash her hands, maybe fix her makeup, and get on with her life. I guarantee most women have at one time been in a restroom with a transgender woman and were none the wiser and their lives were not affected one bit. There is no threat, no record of any assaults, although… Read more »

pine tree
Reply to  NCSwammer
8 years ago

NCSWAMMER – your attempt to ‘explain’ this issue didn’t, at anytime require your condescending attitude. Also, you don’t need to ‘talk down’ to people to express your thoughts. Because I’m protective of my daughter doesn’t mean I’m insensitive to this issue or people with transgender family members. I’ve considered it, (as I’m sure most parents have) at length & understand it’s many aspects. I amended my previous post to explain I was thinking of a locker room situation as I thought this issue projects to all possible situations.

Reply to  pine tree
8 years ago

You said “please someone explain to me why I am wrong.” I gave you my own personal explanation and opinion. I was not condescending and in fact noted that I totally understand your concern for your child and your willingness to ask for others’ explanations. I was just attempting to explain piece by piece why I personally am of the opinion that your fear is misguided. You don’t have to agree with me – you asked for explanations so I gave you one point of view.

pine tree
Reply to  NCSwammer
8 years ago

NCSWIMMER – not only is it condescending, it reads as if you were addressing a child. Well, that’s my opinion, for what it’s worth. But thank you anyway for your attempt.

Reply to  pine tree
8 years ago

You must remember NCSWAMMER is a very compassionate individual who can relate on a personal level to any demographic. Mere knuckle draggers like the rest of us just can’t understand because NCSWAMMER is all knowing, confidently claiming there’s been no incidents with the “pick whatever bathroom you are comfortable with movement”. Last but not least NCSWAMMER has a friend with a transgender so NCSWAMMER knows what it’s like. 🙂

Reply to  Kordez
8 years ago

It’s nuts…What a world we live in. They say that .4% (4/10s of 1%) of the American population is transgender.

Be the Change you wish to see
Reply to  Kordez
8 years ago

It may be pathetic, that is up to interpretation. But useless is not a proper definition for an organization that is taking a stand in defense of a stigmatized and traditionally condemned demographic of American citizens. You, sir, seem to be quite apathetic to the fates of many American lives.

Nasty Woman
Reply to  Kordez
8 years ago

Just like the poster Crooked Hillary

8 years ago

I have nothing against transgender folks whatsoever. If they’re happy, then I’m happy.

Here’s my solution…..Just let them use any darn restroom they want to. It’s okay with me.

Reply to  Billy
8 years ago

That might actually work if nobody took advantage of it. What you are going to do when a guy walks into a ladies restroom? You going to question how he identifies? Very companionate, but not realistic.

mom of 4
8 years ago

What are you going to do when a swimmer, say Schulyer Bailar, has to walk into the women’s room when he LOOKS LIKE A GUY!!! (but his birth certificate says he is a female). BTW, he swims on the MEN’S team for Harvard…

Reply to  mom of 4
8 years ago

Schulyer is a woman pretending to be a man so nothing.

Joe Momma
8 years ago


8 years ago

“Hey guys, lets take a stance against this bathroom bill to make us look progressive and caring towards LGBT folk while we try to sweep football sex assault cases against women under the rug.”

I am not saying that I agree with the bill. I am saying it is hypocritical of the NCAA to be so aggressive against HB2, but not show the same enthusiasm against football players who assault women and get away with it. Gotta follow the money I guess…

M Palota
Reply to  Goose
8 years ago

I’m really, really dislike the idea that just because you can’t do the right thing all the time, then shouldn’t do the right thing at all.

Yes, the NCAA should do more about sexual assault and all manner of things but they’re not. They’ve chosen to take a stand on this issue and I applaud them for that.

Reply to  Goose
8 years ago

It’s a step in the right direction and shows that public pressure, including from North Carolina’s biggest companies, can make something happen. NCAA, ACC and major universities are rife with hyprocricy, so can’t expect them to damper the football/basketball money machine ((which pays for swimming programs) in one fell swoop.

Reply to  Goose
8 years ago

Unless the bathrooms in question are single occupancy and dual purpose then I agree with the “North Carolina House Bill 2” 100% . To accommodate less than 3/10 of 1% of the population you open up public traditional male/female public restrooms for a myriad of invasion of privacy issues. I don’t think your going to see 3 sets of bathrooms in every facility that offer the privacy needed for this to even be viable. However if by some chance all the public facilities can carve out extra space and spend the money to make these accommodations, that third bathroom will never be used if it was reserved for only those who it was built for. Instead you’ll just have a… Read more »

Nasty Woman
8 years ago

Crooked Hillary…ever travel to Europe??? Lots of bathrooms there are unisex.
Hate is hate

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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