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Video: A Day In The Life Of A Professional Swimmer

This video comes to us from Dutch swimmer Maarten Brzoskowski, who is a professional swimmer at the National Training Center in Eindhoven.

In rapid-fire succession, Brzoskowski takes us through a day in his life, showing exactly what a professional swimmer does on a daily basis.

From an early-morning wake-up alarm to a bed-time in an exhausting day. Brzoskowski films the high (and low) points of his average day, compressing it all into just two minutes and ten seconds.

Brzoskowski has already competed for the Netherlands at the European Championships in 2014 in Berlin, Germany and the World Championships this past summer in Kazan, Russia. He’s a hopeful for the Dutch Olympic team next summer at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.

The routine includes dryland training, two pool workouts, a weight room session and plenty of eating and sleeping (as any swimmer could guess).

Swimmers, coaches and fans will be interested to check out some of the peripheral details of the video, from the large “Pieter van den Hoogenband” banner outside Brzoskowski’s training facility (an homage to the Netherland swimming great) to the group stretching and core workout to some of the weight training exercises, the video provides a detailed look at some of the smaller aspects of the sport that often go unnoticed by the general public.

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9 years ago

Thank you for posting! Looks like he is squatting quite a bit of weight! So how does it work in Europe? Does this gentleman have to practice at this facility or could he stay with a local club? Is this facility taxpayer funded? Thanks!

9 years ago

awesome video! Thanks for sharing, and good luck on your #RoadtoRio!

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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