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Mark Ruffalo introduces ‘The Longest Swim’ for water testing & sustainability (Video)

Open Water swimmer Ben Lecomte plans to swim from Tokyo to San Francisco while testing pacific water quality, and actor Mark Ruffalo has publicly endorsed the swim.

Lecomte plans to swim across the Pacific Ocean, using Water Defense Environmental Indicator technology attached to his body to test the ocean water as he swims.

Ruffalo, a Hollywood star who is a part of the red-hot Marvel Avengers movie series for his role as Bruce Banner (the Incredible Hulk), is also an environmental activist and a founder of the Water Defense organization. He talks about Lecomte’s swim in the video above, which you can find on the swim’s IndieGoGo page.

From that IndieGoGo description:

Ben Lecomte will swim from Tokyo, Japan to San Francisco, California.

The Longest Swim will set world records and challenge the globe to re-think sustainability.

It’s NEVER been done before!

“Never again” were my first words when I got out of the water after completing my swim across the Atlantic… “But here I am getting ready for the next swim.  Real real passion never goes away.”

What will make this swim one of the most important swims in history is that Ben will be swimming with Water Defense  Environmental Indicator technology, based on Biomimicry attached to his body.

What better way for Water Defense to demonstrate how we are there for the people and the fishes?”  said actor and Water Defense founder, Mark Ruffalo. “We will be joining Ben on his Journey across the Pacific Ocean testing the water with our very own WaterBug cumulative water testing technology trailing behind on his long swim across the world. It’s an honor for Water Defense to join Ben on this extraordinary historical super human journey.”

You can find the page and donate here.

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9 years ago

What an incredible idea

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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