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Lindenwood freshman Krzysztof Jankiewicz breaks teammate’s national 100 back record at Division II NCAAs

The Lindenwood Lions had two different freshman backstrokers officially break the Division II NCAA record in the 100 back on the same day.

After Serghei Golban first lowered the mark to 46.77 at Friday morning’s prelims, his first-year teammate Krzysztof Jankiewicz knocked it down another peg at finals, going 46.65 for the win.

Jankiewicz was out like a rocket, splitting 22.32 to his feet at the 50 turn. That was second among A final swimmers. He closed in 24.33 to blow away early leader Catalin Unger out of Carson-Newman.

Even more impressive for Lindenwood? Golban and Jankiewicz weren’t the only freshmen to break 47 on the day. Yet another rookie, Jakub Jonczyk, went 46.90 to take second overall in the final behind Jankiewicz. Golban fell a bit off his prelims pace to get 5th in 47.39.

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9 years ago

Wow! How many D1 teams have three :46 Backstrokers? Practice must be fun to watch!

Reply to  SwimFan
9 years ago

About 7 or 8 it would seem, not many…

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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