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2024 World Championships: Day 4 Pick ’em Contest Scoring Update


Going five-for-five in gold medalists helped propel entrant “H2OSLUG” to the victory on Day 4 of our Pick ’em Contest at the 2024 World Championships, as they scored 55 points to move into a tie for 11th overall.

“H2OSLUG” correctly picked Sam WilliamsonSiobhan HaugheyTomoru HondaDaniel Wiffen and the U.S. mixed medley relay to win titles on Wednesday, and added on-the-nose selections in the women’s 200 free with Barbora Seemanova (4th), Martin Espernberger in the men’s 200 fly (3rd), Sven Schwarz in the men’s 800 free (4th) and the Australians in the mixed medley relay (2nd).

User “_.Niki._” was the runner-up on the day with 54 points, while “DrSwammer” was 3rd with 53.

Both correctly picked the 1-2 in the 200 free from Haughey and Erika Fairweather, the runner-up finish from Nicolo Martinenghi in the 50 breast, Honda and Wiffen’s wins and the 1-2 from the U.S. and Australia in the medley relay.

“_.Niki._” also hit on Nic Fink taking 3rd in the 50 breast, while “DrSwammer” correctly had Espernberger and Michal Chmielewski in 3rd and 4th in the 200 fly.

In the overall standings, “Troyy” maintains the lead with 164 points after scoring 39 on Day 4, while “Bromine Zaddy” moves up one spot into 2nd and the co-leader from Day 1, “Ethebanger,” moves back into the top three.

Cadelovesswimming!” was the lone entrant to nail the Williamson/Martinenghi/Fink/Peaty finish in the men’s 50 breast.


Men’s 800 Freestyle

  1. Daniel Wiffen (IRL) — 7:40.94
  2. Elijah Winnington (AUS) – -7:42.95
  3. Gregorio Paltrinieri (ITA) — 7:42.98
  4. Sven Schwarz (GER) — 7:44.29
  5. Kristof Rasovsky (HUN) — 7:44.42
  6. Victor Johansson (SWE) — 7:47.08
  7. Luca de Tullio (ITA) — 7:49.79
  8. Mykhailo Romanchuk (UKR) — 7:54.51

Women’s 200 Freestyle

  1. Siobhan Haughey (HKG) — 1:54.89
  2. Erika Fairweather (NZL) — 1:55.77
  3. Brianna Throssell (AUS) — 1:56.00
  4. Barbora Seemanova (CZE) — 1:56.13
  5. Maria Costa (BRA) — 1:56.85
  6. Nikolett Padar (HUN) — 1:56.89
  7. Shayna Jack (AUS) — 1:57.24
  8. Ai Yanhan (CHN) — 1:57.53

Men’s 200 Butterfly

  1. Tomoru Honda (JPN) — 1:53.88
  2. Alberto Razzetti (ITA) — 1:54.65
  3. Martin Espernberger (AUT) — 1:55.16
  4. Michal Chmielewski (POL) — 1:55.36
  5. Kregor Zirk (EST) — 1:55.48
  6. Richard Marton (HUN) — 1:55.76
  7. Lewis Clareburt (NZL) — 1:55.86
  8. Matthew Sates (RSA) — 1:57.23

Men’s 50 Breaststroke

  1. Sam Williamson (AUS) — 26.32
  2. Nicolo Martinenghi (ITA) — 26.39
  3. Nic Fink (USA) — 26.49
  4. Adam Peaty (GBR) — 26.77
  5. Lucas Matzerath (GER) — 26.80
  6. Simone Cerasuolo (ITA) — 26.93
  7. Mikel Schreuders (ARU) — 26.97
  8. Peter Stevens (SLO) — 27.07

Mixed 400 Medley Relay

  1. USA (Armstrong, Fink, Curzan, Douglass) — 3:40.22
  2. Australia (Woodward, Williamson, Throssell, Jack) — 3:43.12
  3. Great Britain (Harris, Peaty, Richards, Hopkin) — 3:45.09
  4. Poland — 3:46.04
  5. Greece — 3:46.69
  6. Italy — 3:47.29
  7. Sweden — 3:47.46
  8. Japan — 3:47.60


Screen Name Day 4
_.Niki._ 54
DrSwammer 53
perc.olator 51
bigfriendlyswimpodcast 51
Scuncan Dott v2 51
Amyadele111 50
SwimFan33 50
Mag 49
reesierose118 49
JaySock 48
RealSlimThomas 48
backstrokebro 46
VicMaster 46
Baguette 46
Ethebanger 45
Gigante 45
AsianAussieAmerican 45
Tencor7144 45
ryanjnoyes 45
Boomer 45
Ajansz 44
Talking Bobby 44
Suren Cat 44
heyheyhey 44
NMJ96 44
Hudson Murrell 44
mford332 44
Bromine Zaddy 43
Talkin Bobby 43
Sports Lover 43
Bob1235 43
FixCanada’sBreaststroke 43
Grean Choco 43
Swimbasemom3 42
bstswmch 42
AlexE 42
Bob1 42
Mason1347 42
Kittykate 42
Dory Fish 41
Miro 41
Phil_Ha 41
M_brown08 41
Cadelovesswimming! 41
retiredJet 41
ISU2004 41
Loresfelii 41
swimbradford03 41
Jules 41
Samboys 41
😎I Love Butterfly! 41
memesupreme 40
Tree man 40
SC 40
CoachMike 40
whoisthis (go uindy) 40
Golden Shnek Excellence Club 40
Sydney Bean 40
Jahiegel 40
m41d4r 40
Epically Failing 40
Swimmer I.M 40
Troyy 39
Jamesss 39
JBB 39
Zach 39
Mads 39
TSweeney12 39
hrandriaga 39
Robbie 39
PandaPants 39
swimbrim 39
Bionic Man 39
OrangeSwimmer 38
Irrelevant Swim Productions 38
Fireflash9 38
Akows 38
maestro 38
Gazon2003 38
Russn90 38
sarahsjostromsnumber1fan 38
ageeroms 38
Gilrad Xyvers 38
Aquamann22 38
Logs the Dog 38
satay 38
FST 38
BairnOwl 37
lane11 37
flyohwhy 37
bella sims bellyflop 37
emoney543 37
der Hahn 37
Jacob Tindall 37
Jack Ellison 37
Allits 37
DK99 37
ikkin 37
PesciDetails 37
Mark SwimSwam 36
Yoshi swimming 36
Pigpen 36
UBear 36
Joel 36
Jocelyn (swimswim48) 36
Amunnn 36
Wade 36
Emile 36
TeamCan 36
Jared Rayman 36
Carnellstomper 36
pilkka777 36
Just Guys Being Dudes 36
CraigH 36
Kwazii 36
a_bag_of_juice 36
Willswim 36
Hanser Fan 36
DannyF 36
I miss the ISL 35
Splash 35
CANADA >>>> 35
Swimmer24 35
Captain Salmon 35
balls 35
mclovineta 35
Great City of Ann Arbor 35
forsomereason 35
DavidGoggins 35
Gluey 35
Mallie Moo 35
Ben 34
Gilaine 34
UWO-SC-Coach 34
Wmodge426$$$$$$$$$$$$ 34
Misty 34
Bumboclaat 34
IdahoFanToni 34
Swimkap 34
PFA has crippling school work piling up but oh well so here’s my picks 34
Bub09 34
&jh2O 34
Darnel Hopkins 34
Winnifer67 34
MDS 34
oxyswim 33
Swing93 33
Noah 33
Koob 33
mspann97 33
Emily Se-Bom Lee 33
Oscar 33
Glorious king 33
HOO love 33
MadsHansen 33
Splish_Splash_Spring_Flash 33
Jamesandthegiantpeach 32
Circle swim 32
Olli L. 32
#1 Raider 32
PhillyMark 32
TheRealSam 32
NAZ92 32
Silent Observer 32
Swim Guru 32
If you’re first you’re last maybe not I don’t know 31
CJE 31
swimsns98 31
Marzipan 31
avery 31
Zeus 31
Kelsey 31
mikedowd 31
AquaNerd 30
Taylor2000 30
LoveClaireCurzan 30
Timmy Cheng 30
maxlatshaw 30
Spotted Zebra 30
Andrew Iverson 30
Lightning 30
chickenlamp 30
Dean19 30
James SwimSwam 30
DragonSwim 30
Seeliger’s Saddle 30
Tommm 30
BRD 30
puffi7126 29
Jp😁🔥👍 29
Sei wild und liebevoll! 29
Nick the biased Aussie 29
Joakim 29
IUSwammer 29
hrandria 29
alphax22 29
Emma 29
RMS 28
Jeff 28
Coop D 28
2fly67 28
Alex Walsh’s Enamel 28
Ham S&D 28
Swimpadbear 28
Slothmom 28
Caveman 28
FLASHCT2950 28
Badgerpoke 28
Tanner-Garapick-Oleksiak-McIntosh 28
Sal Paradise 28
Fastfish 28
B R I A N !!!!!!!!! 27
Maxiking 27
TennisFan 27
Kareem The Backstroker 27
SaitamaSwim 27
Miss M 27
MSSAStingray 27
NoBreathBrad 27
WSCoach 27
em18 26
A Summer in Paris 26
NotASwimmer 26
Shaggy 26
jclark36 26
flylikeabyrd 26
granite 26
Sherry Hicks 26
Jimmy DeSnuts 25
holla back gurl 25
HenryJ552 25
this might end terribly 25
🏊‍♂️swimmer🏊‍♂️ 25
SwimTeach 25
Wyatt D 25
Badeend 25
ThePrestressedSpaz 24
Benjamin’sButtons 24
jaxjax 24
Matt DB 24
Cam McEvoy is goated 24
Swim junkie 79 24
PVSFree 24
cvh123 24
Tea rex 24
BstrokeDevil 23
SnakeEyes 23
Brozuck 23
Vessie 23
Quokka 22
borachow 22
tbearkuo 21
hopeshell04 21
aznswimmaboi12 21
Little Miss Sushi Roll 21
tayla 20
(G)olden Bear 20
Greccoisdrowning 20
Amel 19
KCSunshine 18
Robbo 18
lizzie020 17
Youngboyfrfr 15
Abs 11
Maathew 9
Michael 8
VegasGold 7


Screen Name Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Total
Troyy 29 36 60 39 164
Bromine Zaddy 38 28 54 43 163
Ethebanger 42 32 41 45 160
memesupreme 42 30 44 40 156
Mag 31 29 46 49 155
BairnOwl 35 32 51 37 155
backstrokebro 24 41 43 46 154
VicMaster 32 35 40 46 153
Swimbasemom3 31 33 46 42 152
Jamesss 36 38 39 39 152
H2OSLUG 33 30 32 55 150
JBB 33 28 50 39 150
Tree man 33 36 41 40 150
Dory Fish 29 44 36 41 150
JQHS 29 44 37 39 149
Gigante 32 40 31 45 148
Amyadele111 30 23 44 50 147
SC 26 33 48 40 147
I miss the ISL 27 40 45 35 147
Miro 29 32 45 41 147
OrangeSwimmer 30 44 35 38 147
Mark SwimSwam 31 43 37 36 147
AsianAussieAmerican 28 26 47 45 146
Phil_Ha 28 33 43 41 145
Ben 35 30 46 34 145
BstrokeDevil 33 40 49 23 145
Irrelevant Swim Productions 27 34 45 38 144
RMS 36 37 43 28 144
JaySock 27 34 34 48 143
lane11 38 22 46 37 143
Ajansz 17 38 43 44 142
CoachMike 27 39 36 40 142
Talking Bobby 33 23 42 44 142
Talkin Bobby 35 27 37 43 142
Tencor7144 25 29 43 45 142
Gilaine 33 27 48 34 142
flyohwhy 35 25 44 37 141
AquaNerd 31 42 38 30 141
bella sims bellyflop 41 21 42 37 141
LL_SWE 33 23 39 45 140
Zach 31 25 44 39 139
JLES 32 24 37 45 138
Yoshi swimming 24 31 47 36 138
Fireflash9 33 34 33 38 138
Pigpen 32 25 45 36 138
whoisthis (go uindy) 32 21 44 40 137
SwimFan33 21 28 38 50 137
Golden Shnek Excellence Club 26 32 39 40 137
Sports Lover 20 32 42 43 137
_.Niki._ 23 25 35 54 137
perc.olator 23 24 38 51 136
bstswmch 28 30 36 42 136
bigfriendlyswimpodcast 21 24 40 51 136
Mads 38 29 30 39 136
Splash 30 41 30 35 136
Sydney Bean 32 46 18 40 136
Scuncan Dott v2 33 20 32 51 136
emoney543 27 26 45 37 135
DrSwammer 24 17 41 53 135
M_brown08 25 22 47 41 135
TSweeney12 23 36 37 39 135
Akows 29 25 43 38 135
UBear 32 40 26 36 134
ryanjnoyes 22 21 46 45 134
UWO-SC-Coach 27 31 42 34 134
Cadelovesswimming! 31 20 42 41 134
Joel 37 25 36 36 134
retiredJet 30 27 36 41 134
CANADA >>>> 38 33 27 35 133
ISU2004 32 22 38 41 133
AlexE 27 26 38 42 133
Bob1235 33 16 41 43 133
Boomer 24 28 35 45 132
Jamesandthegiantpeach 29 25 46 32 132
der Hahn 31 23 41 37 132
Jacob Tindall 26 26 43 37 132
puffi7126 23 36 44 29 132
Jahiegel 31 20 41 40 132
Jeff 36 30 38 28 132
reesierose118 27 20 35 49 131
Jocelyn (swimswim48) 35 30 30 36 131
hrandriaga 26 29 37 39 131
maestro 31 23 39 38 131
Loresfelii 31 17 41 41 130
Bob1 23 25 40 42 130
Swimmer24 30 29 36 35 130
Circle swim 37 22 39 32 130
Coop D 26 30 46 28 130
Amunnn 27 27 40 36 130
Suren Cat 27 24 35 44 130
MIKE IN DALLAS 29 32 34 34 129
Wade 23 35 35 36 129
Jack Ellison 30 30 32 37 129
Wmodge426$$$$$$$$$$$$ 24 32 39 34 129
swimbradford03 26 26 36 41 129
Jules 23 24 41 41 129
If you’re first you’re last maybe not I don’t know 23 39 36 31 129
Robbie 20 22 47 39 128
oxyswim 28 26 41 33 128
2fly67 26 32 42 28 128
SWIM SAM 24 28 37 39 128
Captain Salmon 23 33 37 35 128
Jp😁🔥👍 33 29 36 29 127
ThePrestressedSpaz 34 19 50 24 127
heyheyhey 16 28 39 44 127
Misty 29 27 37 34 127
em18 35 34 32 26 127
DMSWIM 26 29 41 31 127
Gazon2003 24 17 47 38 126
Emile 23 26 41 36 126
Russn90 32 24 32 38 126
TeamCan 25 30 35 36 126
B R I A N !!!!!!!!! 23 26 50 27 126
BEARCATS2010 37 19 41 28 125
balls 25 30 35 35 125
PandaPants 18 26 42 39 125
Maxiking 26 29 43 27 125
Jimmy DeSnuts 26 22 52 25 125
Taylor2000 34 29 32 30 125
swimbrim 23 31 32 39 125
Swing93 15 36 41 33 125
Olli L. 29 30 34 32 125
LoveClaireCurzan 28 33 34 30 125
Timmy Cheng 30 30 35 30 125
ORRDU1 27 26 32 40 125
RealSlimThomas 20 27 29 48 124
Jared Rayman 30 27 31 36 124
sarahsjostromsnumber1fan 31 22 33 38 124
Noah 20 29 42 33 124
m41d4r 19 32 33 40 124
FixCanada’sBreaststroke 27 30 24 43 124
holla back gurl 31 29 39 25 124
Bumboclaat 21 25 43 34 123
Koob 22 27 41 33 123
IdahoFanToni 23 27 39 34 123
Allits 22 20 44 37 123
CJE 31 25 35 31 122
Quokka 27 30 43 22 122
Bionic Man 26 28 29 39 122
Baguette 33 16 27 46 122
A Summer in Paris 39 19 38 26 122
Carnellstomper 26 24 36 36 122
swimsns98 26 23 42 31 122
Alex Walsh’s Enamel 23 28 43 28 122
Marzipan 17 26 47 31 121
avery 26 25 39 31 121
ageeroms 26 30 27 38 121
NMJ96 21 29 27 44 121
mspann97 32 32 24 33 121
pilkka777 26 22 37 36 121
Emily Se-Bom Lee 21 26 41 33 121
Benjamin’sButtons 30 18 49 24 121
Just Guys Being Dudes 19 28 38 36 121
KCSunshine 34 29 39 18 120
maxlatshaw 24 26 40 30 120
DK99 31 24 28 37 120
Ham S&D 30 21 41 28 120
SnakeEyes 29 21 47 23 120
Spotted Zebra 20 36 34 30 120
Zeus 20 32 37 31 120
#1 Raider 17 25 45 32 119
Andrew Iverson 21 26 42 30 119
Swimpadbear 33 27 31 28 119
Lightning 32 18 39 30 119
Hudson Murrell 11 26 38 44 119
chickenlamp 12 47 30 30 119
NotASwimmer 30 33 30 26 119
Mason1347 31 29 17 42 119
Samboys 21 24 33 41 119
Epically Failing 20 20 39 40 119
mclovineta 22 28 33 35 118
lizzie020 26 39 36 17 118
Swimkap 27 20 37 34 118
Shaggy 23 36 33 26 118
Oscar 27 22 36 33 118
Gilrad Xyvers 23 22 35 38 118
PFA has crippling school work piling up but oh well so here’s my picks 24 27 32 34 117
borachow 27 27 41 22 117
Glorious king 28 20 36 33 117
jclark36 17 27 47 26 117
PhillyMark 24 29 32 32 117
HOO love 31 22 30 33 116
CraigH 30 20 30 36 116
TheRealSam 29 24 31 32 116
Kwazii 21 25 34 36 116
TennisFan 27 27 35 27 116
HenryJ552 28 31 32 25 116
Sei wild und liebevoll! 26 30 31 29 116
Slothmom 30 25 33 28 116
Bub09 21 28 33 34 116
Great City of Ann Arbor 22 20 38 35 115
&jh2O 19 26 36 34 115
Nick the biased Aussie 33 20 33 29 115
jaxjax 25 26 39 24 114
Aquamann22 19 25 32 38 114
Caveman 27 21 38 28 114
Kittykate 18 30 24 42 114
tbearkuo 28 27 38 21 114
Kelsey 28 23 32 31 114
mford332 22 19 29 44 114
Brozuck 25 22 44 23 114
FLASHCT2950 23 27 36 28 114
mikedowd 21 25 37 31 114
Darnel Hopkins 21 25 33 34 113
Matt DB 27 27 34 24 112
Joakim 23 23 37 29 112
Logs the Dog 27 23 24 38 112
Dean19 23 27 32 30 112
Winnifer67 22 17 39 34 112
IUSwammer 30 18 35 29 112
hrandria 26 18 39 29 112
a_bag_of_juice 19 24 32 36 111
Kareem The Backstroker 15 28 41 27 111
Willswim 24 17 34 36 111
this might end terribly 25 27 34 25 111
Maathew 29 42 31 9 111
🏊‍♂️swimmer🏊‍♂️ 22 28 36 25 111
SaitamaSwim 32 22 30 27 111
hopeshell04 26 29 34 21 110
Miss M 31 25 27 27 110
MadsHansen 20 19 38 33 110
ikkin 25 28 19 37 109
satay 20 28 23 38 109
Hanser Fan 14 30 29 36 109
James SwimSwam 27 23 29 30 109
DragonSwim 27 23 29 30 109
MDS 19 20 36 34 109
PesciDetails 24 30 17 37 108
Cam McEvoy is goated 22 30 32 24 108
tayla 35 29 24 20 108
MSSAStingray 22 28 31 27 108
forsomereason 15 24 34 35 108
NAZ92 19 21 35 32 107
Badgerpoke 22 22 35 28 107
Tanner-Garapick-Oleksiak-McIntosh 24 21 34 28 107
Swimmer I.M 26 20 20 40 106
Youngboyfrfr 30 22 39 15 106
Sal Paradise 16 19 43 28 106
Silent Observer 27 19 28 32 106
Swim junkie 79 14 22 46 24 106
Seeliger’s Saddle 18 26 32 30 106
flylikeabyrd 23 26 31 26 106
Tommm 25 26 25 30 106
NoBreathBrad 25 22 31 27 105
DavidGoggins 29 16 25 35 105
😎I Love Butterfly! 10 27 27 41 105
FST 23 22 21 38 104
BRD 15 21 38 30 104
Gluey 16 26 27 35 104
(G)olden Bear 29 21 33 20 103
Robbo 19 36 30 18 103
Splish_Splash_Spring_Flash 16 24 30 33 103
granite 28 25 23 26 102
Vessie 16 25 38 23 102
SwimTeach 26 15 36 25 102
PVSFree 29 16 32 24 101
alphax22 8 21 42 29 100
NJSWIMFAN 17 23 29 31 100
Emma 16 19 36 29 100
WSCoach 20 23 30 27 100
Wyatt D 20 26 29 25 100
cvh123 19 26 31 24 100
Mallie Moo 12 19 33 35 99
Swim Guru 18 32 16 32 98
DannyF 15 22 25 36 98
Grean Choco 16 27 12 43 98
aznswimmaboi12 22 19 35 21 97
Sherry Hicks 25 24 22 26 97
Little Miss Sushi Roll 13 27 35 21 96
Fastfish 22 17 27 28 94
Abs 27 21 32 11 91
Badeend 19 20 26 25 90
Tea rex 8 18 36 24 86
Greccoisdrowning 15 28 19 20 82
Amel 10 23 15 19 67
VegasGold 15 21 22 7 65
Michael 10 22 11 8 51
EMPCSC 1 3 0 0 4

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1 year ago

How am I 10th?

1 year ago

47th :/

1 year ago

completely forgot i did this until i recognized my name #notlast

tea rex
1 year ago

That’s right, I’m backhalf-ing this like Destin Lasco!

Rocketing up from 277th to 273rd. I just need this meet to drag out for 70 days or so, and that tech suit is MINE!

1 year ago

Commenters who historically do well in the pick’em contests should receive recognition in the “In this story” section. I would gladly share a headshot.

Reply to  RealSlimThomas
1 year ago

Hah, that would be interesting. We need accounts first though to have a post history and consistent usernames.

1 year ago

Slowly but surely rising up the ranks, from 154th to 107th to 64th to 31th.

Scuncan Dott v2
1 year ago

Ok top 4 today that’s better. Correctly picked the top 4 swimmers in the 50 breast but all in the wrong order smh.

About James Sutherland

James Sutherland

James swam five years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in the 200 free, back and IM. He finished up his collegiate swimming career in 2018, graduating with a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2019 he completed his graduate degree in sports journalism. Prior to going to Laurentian, James swam …

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