Sign Up for 2024 Florida Gator Swim Camps Today
The University of Florida GATOR SWIM CAMPS are developmental camps designed to teach swimmers proper technique and provide quality training to swimmers of ALL abilities between 8 and 18 years old. The camps emphasize technical skills, training habits, and mental preparation as well as the importance of health and fitness in a structured, fun, and enthusiastic Gator environment. Campers will interact with Olympic Gold Medalists, World and NCAA Champions, as well as Olympic and World Championship coaches.
Each camper will receive specific, hands-on instruction for each of the four strokes, starts and turns. There will also be lectures on each of the four strokes, nutrition, and special talks given by coaches and champion swimmers! Campers will be fully supervised at all times by counselors. Activities will take place on the beautiful campus of the University of Florida.
Campers must be 13 years old the first day of camp in order to be eligible for a resident camp. All day campers must be signed in and out each day by a parent or someone authorized by the camper’s parent. Resident campers stay at the University of Florida and will be housed in our air-conditioned dorms located on campus and three meals will be provided each day. Day campers will be provided with lunch.
The University of Florida Gator Camps are designed to review the drills, starts, and turns of all four strokes. Drills will be incorporated into the session. Camps are available to swimmers of all abilities between 8-18 years old. Campers must bring fins.
Session 1 Camp (Day Camp Only) – Lunch Provided
May 31st – June 2nd (Friday – Sunday)
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $ 600
Session 2 Camp (Resident & Day) – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Provided – Breakfast will not be provided on check in day. Dinner will not be provided on check out day. Day campers will be provided lunch only.
June 3rd – June 6th (Monday – Thursday)
9:30 am – 9:00 pm; Check Out Time On The Last Day: 4:00 pm
Cost: Resident = $ 925; Day = $ 750
Session 3 Camp (Day Camp Only) – Lunch Provided (Last opportunity to see Caeleb Dressel and Katie Ledecky! A few slots are still open!)
June 7th – 9th (Friday – Sunday)
9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $ 600
SOLD OUT!!! Session 4 Camp (Resident & Day) – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Provided – Breakfast will not be provided on check in day. Dinner will not be provided on check out day. Day campers will be provided lunch only.
June 26th – 29th (Wednesday – Saturday)
9:30 am – 9:00 pm; Check Out Time On The Last Day: 4:00 pm
Cost: Resident = $ 925; Day = $ 750
Camp capacity will limited to 100 Resident campers and 40 Day campers for Session 2 & 4
First day of camp @ 9:00 AM
LOCATION: Upper Gate 3 Entrance – O’Dome
Daily Check In AFTER Initial Registration Day: 9:30 AM
Daily Check-Out: 4:00 PM daily
Sign Up for 2024 Florida Gator Swim Camps Today
Daily Itinerary (subject to slight changes)
Resident Itinerary (subject to slight changes)
ACCOMODATIONS: Resident campers are housed in air-conditioned dorms located close to the pool facilities. Every effort will be made to accommodate roommate requests. Roommate requests are made on a first come first serve basis. Requests are NOT guaranteed.
Online Registration must be completed online. A $25 processing fee will be assessed. Registration must be paid in full for campers to participate in camp.
Any additional online transactions after your initial registration has been completed, i.e., adding or removing a camp session, will result in the $25 processing fee being charged to the camper’s account.
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email detailing your registration, the payments made, FAQs, and other tips for camp. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CORRECTLY ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.
Credit Card payments must be used through online registration. We do not accept personal checks at check-in. We can only accept credit card payments.
To register, go to If you have further questions, please contact Erva Gilliam, Director of Swimming by phone at (352) 375-4683, ext. 4545 or by email at [email protected].
REFUNDS: A 50% refund will be awarded for cancelations made for non-medical reasons up until 24 hours prior to the start of camp. Otherwise, no refunds will be issued unless a medical emergency occurs. Refunds will be granted on a case by case basis. Documentation from an attending physician must be received.

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